Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tools to Connect Remote Servers from Desktop

Hi ,

1. Xmanager
Procedure to get display( SUSE Linux servers)
1.Setup environment variables


Enable X11 forwarding in putty
Login with sidadm
Run “echo $DISPLAY” and make a note of the result
Run “ xauth list” and make a note of result Execute → xauth extract /tmp/d switch to root user ( sudo su – root )
Run “export DISPLAY=
Run “xauth merge /tmp/d”
Run “xclock” to open clock for confirming the display settings
Example :
LONSAPVAS01:cc4adm 12> xclock
LONSAPVAS01:cc4adm 13> xauth list
LONSAPVAS01/unix:10 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 94d450329e0002d7988110433c257dff
LONSAPVAS01:cc4adm 14> echo $DISPLAY
LONSAPVAS01:cc4adm 15> xauth extract /tmp/jose
LONSAPVAS01:cc4adm 17> sudo su - root
LONSAPVAS01:~ # export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
LONSAPVAS01:~ # xauth merge /tmp/jose xauth: creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority
LONSAPVAS01:~ # xclock
LONSAPVAS01:~ # echo $DISPLAY localhost:10.0

b) Set environment variables From “root” user
export JAVA_HOME= /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
All environment variable settings are done now. Proceed with start of SAP installation using “sapinst”

1. Remote Desktop(MSTSC)
2. vnc viewer

Solaris 10 Commands

Hi All,
Here I am listing Some useful Unix-Solaris commands that can help you while administrating SAP with this combination:
1) /usr/sbin/prtconf grep Memory To Find Memory
2) To Check th Value of Variable rlim_fd_curadb -k /dev/ksyms
rlim_fd_cur/D *** This will display the current value
ctrl-D *** This quits you out of the debugger.
3) usermod example - Add a existing user to existing groupAdd existing user tony to ftp supplementary/secondary group with usermod command using - a option ~ i.e. add the user to the supplemental group(s). Use only with -G option :
# usermod -a -G ftp tony
4) Change existing user tony primary group to www# usermod -g www tony
5) Make is located at /usr/ccs/bin/make or you can download related version of make pkg from this freebe location.
6) rsh target_host -l username date :To check rsh is working or not
7) prtdiag to get system information
8) psrinfo to get cpu-count
9) isainfo to get system architecture

Srinivasa Rao Arjala

Oracle Administration(SAP)

below link explains about oracle related to sap.

Srinivasa Rao Arjala

How to Lock or Unlock a Client in SAP

Hi All,
Here i am writing the procedure to lock and unlock a client in SAP,very rarely we need to use it..But stil u should know so follow these simple steps...
1) To lock or unlock a client in R/3 System, run the following function modules in
transaction se37
2. SSCR_LOCK_CLIENT ( to lock the client)
3. SSCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT (to unlock the client)
Run these functions with a client input which is to be locked/unlocked. This function set flag '' Client is locked temporarily for client copy" in client maintenance menu.The client will be available for users DDIC and SAP*. If any other user tries to login, system gives message that ' Client locked temporarily'.
To unlock the client
1. Run transaction SE37
2. Enter the function module as SSCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT
3. press F8 or test run (single run).
4. Specify the client and execute(F8).
Follow similar procedure for locking the client...

Srinivasa Rao Arjala

SAP Central User Administration(CUA)

Hi All,

Here is the procedure for Central user administration configuration in a landscape:
1) Create Logical systems to all clients for the landscape using BD54 or SALE ascomfortable.
2) Attach Logical system to clients using Same.
3) Create RFC connection to relevant systems with the same name as logical system name .
If you Logical system name is SIDCLNT100 for dev then create RFC connection to DEV with same name SIDCLNT100.
4) Let us suppose you Central system: DEVCLNT100Child system: QUACLNT200
5) Create user CUA_DEV_100 in devclnt100 system
4. Create user CUA_QUA_200 in quaclnt200 system.
Create RFC’s to child systems from central and central to child.
5) Now logon to central system and execute tcode scua to configure cua.
Enter the name of the distribution model: CUA
Press create
Enter ALL Child system RFC’s
Save your entries now result screen will appear
If you expand the nodes for
the individual systems, you normally see the following messages for
each system: .ALE distribution model was saved,. .Central User
Administration activated,. and .Text comparison was started.. If
problem messages are displayed here, follow the procedure in SAP
Note 333441:
6) Setting the Parameters for Field Distribution Enter Tcode SCUM in central system following screen will appearNow maintain your filed distribution and save it.You can use transaction SUCOMP to administer company address data.You can use transaction SCUG in the central system to perform thesynchronization activities between the central system and the childsystems by selecting your child system on the initial screen of transactionSCUG and then choosing Synchronize Company Addresses in the Central System
After you have synchronized the company addresses, you can transfer theusers from the newly connected child systems to central administration.
This is done, as with the synchronization of the company addresses, using
transaction SCUG in the central system. To do this, on the initial screen of
transaction SCUG, select your child system and choose the Copy Users to
the Central System button.
You can use the report RSCCUSND from the central system of Central User Administration (CUA) to synchronize the master data of selected users with a child system of the CUA. The report sends the master data (including role and profile assignments) to a child system of the CUA.

If master data exists in the child system for the user sent, it is overwritten.
1. Start report RSCCUSND (for example, using transaction SA38).
2. In the Receiving System field, specify the child system to which you want to send the user data.
3. You can use the fields User and User Group to restrict the number of users.
4. Specify the data that you want to distribute under Distribution Options.
5. Choose Execute.

Srinivasa Rao Arjala

STMS Configuration


What is the difference between a Transport Domain and a Transport group?
Transport domain and transport group does not having relationship.transport group is concern with transport directory not with transport domain.The SAP system containing the same transport directory arecalled to be in same transport group.That means in yourthree system landscape is having individual directoryconcept then there are three transport group in your systemlandscape. and if you are having concept of common transportdirectory in your system landscape then there is onetransport group in your system landscape.

Whereas a Domain Controller is the one box or SID which would control the transports going in from DEV to TEST and to PROD. Also the TP command is run from the domain controller.

Srinivasa Rao Arjala